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Shoulder Impingement Syndrome - Part 1

What is an Impingement Syndrome and how/why can it be hard to cure?

First if all we need to understand our shoulders anatomy & biomechanics. Our shoulder blade/scapula is fixed with a lot of muscles on our spine (IE Rhomboids etc, see image). With every arm lifting motion / elevation the scapula glides & twists with the arm in a certain rhythm in the same direction and only held back by Rhomboids etc.

In cases where Rhomboids and synergistic muscles are too weak to hold the scapula back when the arm goes up, the joint will be jamming and the arms head banging against the shoulders "roof" squishing a bursa and a muscle called Supraspinatus.

The permanent stress on these structures cause them to inflame and as a result almost all arm related motions are painful.

what can be done about it? Watch out for Part 2


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