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Personal Trainer Auckland & Supplements Auckland - Lower Back Training

Here some notes about lower back training after reading


I agree, the lower back is an area often forgotten. Out of sight - out of reach... Nah seriously I do believe, that many fitness professionals struggle to train the lower back as they haven´t got the basics straight! Like the lady in the video...And these basics have fantastic names: Anatomy & Biomechanics! Here the facts: 1. Our back muscles are 3 different layers and the one we wanna train in order to improve core, is the 3rd/deepest layer which is directly connected in all sorts of directions to our vertebraes. 2. Straight legged and straight back deadlifts train Hamstrings, glutes and do train the lower back layer which has no influence on any of this tiny core muscles mentioned under 1. 3. Keeping legs and back straight when doing a deadlift you only workout your hip joint !! 4. There is only one way to engage the 3rd musles: Bent/curve your back, keep the knees slightly bent all time and workout fast. This muscles structure is from fast twitching nature, similar to our leg muscles! So why would you train them slowly? All our activities of daily living are from dynamic nature... 5. How can you train joints keeping them straight, locked and stiff? I never heard about that. As soon as you use/move a joint, you will use its connecting muscles. Same for the back: Curve it and you use it.

Here´s a really good image from the deep spinal muscles to clarify what I mean:…/low-back-pain-a-guide-for-coach…

The second exercise the lady provides in the video and wants to sell as a standard deadlift, is a simple squat. Different target muscles, different techniques etc....

Once again: get your basics straight before selling something!

The guys from Stuff should have asked real experts first before publishing this poor stuff!

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